How do demolition companies dispose of the materials?

6th April 2023 by ProDEM

Are you wondering how do demolition companies dispose of the materials? Then you’re not alone. Demolition can be a very messy process that tends to generate a huge amount of waste. Furthermore, there is now more pressure on demolition companies to act more sustainably than ever. Read on to find out more about responsible demolition in Nottingham and the steps you can expect a reputable company to take when they’re dealing with construction waste.

Disposing of demolition waste: sorting and salvaging

What happens to the building materials during demolitionOnce the demolition process is underway, a company can take a close look at which materials they are dealing with so they can identify which ones are suitable for recycling. Some materials can be used for future construction projects. You can divide materials into categories like Reusable, Hazardous Waste, Non-Hazardous Waste and For Review. Reusable items would be things that you are certain can be used for future projects, whilst Hazardous Waste can include things like batteries and electronics, or anything else which could cause a hazard.

Non-Hazardous Waste can mean items that don’t pose a threat but can’t be re-used, which waste For Review can mean things you are as yet unsure about. Waste can be placed into specified areas so it can be organised effectively. Once you have grouped all hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste together, you can dispose of it. It’s very important to keep hold of anything which could be used for a future project. These items may include doors, sinks and working light bulbs.

If an item is not suitable for a future construction project, a recycling specialist or a charity could help. If you’re not sure whether a charity will take something, it’s always a good idea to speak to them to ask them which kinds of items they are currently looking for. Some charities will visit demolition sites to collect items, though you may need to take items to some organisations. If non-recyclable or reusable items are still present after sorting the construction waste, they can be dealt with by a professional waste removal service.

Why is responsible waste disposal so important?

If someone doesn’t deal with waste responsibly, this can be very bad for the environment. What’s more is that if demolition companies don’t dispose of it in a sustainable manner, they risk considerable fines and penalties. It’s important to ensure as much waste is reused and recycled as possible after a demolition project. Many of the materials that are left over after demolition are reusable. By recycling and reusing as much as possible, we can reduce the strain placed on landfill sites.

Do demolition companies have legal obligations to deal with waste responsibly?

Yes. Demolition companies must comply with the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. Any company that produces, imports, exports, carries, transport, stores, treats or disposes of waste must comply with these laws. Dealing with waste properly can also reduce the risk of accidents, help you save money when materials are re-used, enables you to make a better contribution to the environment and can improve your reputation.

Before a demolition company starts disposing of anything on your construction site, they should think about which materials are reusable and recyclable. They need to ensure you are applying the waste management hierarchy when they are transferring waste. The structure of this hierarchy is as follows: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Dispose.

Demolition companies should carry out an audit to work out which kind of waste they are generating. When a demolition company is creating an audit and plan, they need to think about which common materials on their sites could become waste. They also need to think about how different stages of their projects are likely to determine the kind of waste they are generating. For instance, some stages could generate a large amount of concrete waste.

Are there ways to stop construction materials from becoming waste?George Inn Image 8

There are several steps demolition companies can take to prevent materials from becoming waste. These can include researching recycling schemes and asking waste collectors for advice. Following the completion of an audit, a demolition company can decide how they will keep waste to a minimum. A Site Waste Management Plan can be useful. This plan can include audit results, as can new methods for effective waste management.

Who can help with eco-friendly demolition in Nottingham?

Now you know how do demolition companies dispose of the materials, you may be wondering who can help you with sustainable demolition in Nottingham. At ProDEM, we have been providing first-class demolition services across the East Midlands for more than three decades. We have vast experience in all aspects of demolition and hazardous waste removal and demolition.

We have worked on a wide variety of demolition projects over the years, helping our clients to demolish everything from office blocks and car parks to multi-storey buildings. Many of the buildings we have worked on have come with underlying environmental challenges like bats and hazardous waste. However, we have an outstanding track record when it comes to dealing with these problems. We can also help if you need soft strip demolition in Nottingham prior to a larger-scale project.

Compliant waste disposal

You can also rest assured that we deal with all waste compliantly and clear it both safely and responsibly. We can remove all hazardous materials from your site safely and separate any useful materials such as plastic, metal and timber.

Contact us

Now you have the answer to the question “how do demolition companies dispose of the materials?”, get in touch today if you do need help with demolition in Nottingham. We can visit your site at a convenient time to talk about your needs and provide you with a competitive quotation. You can reach us today by completing the form on our site. We will get back to you as quickly as we can.